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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SR-22?

It is a form from your insurance company that shows you are carrying liability insurance in the form of an auto policy or a non-owners policy. Most states require the certificate for certain drivers to prove that their auto insurance policy meets the minimum requirements of the state they live in for a specific period of time determined by State and Federal regulations.

Check out this sample SR-22 Form

How long do I have to carry my SR-22?

If you were suspended for a motor vehicle accident judgment (Missouri or Out-of-State), you must maintain insurance on file with the Driver License Bureau for two years from the starting date of the suspension.

If you were suspended for false insurance or mandatory insurance, you must maintain insurance on file with the Driver License Bureau for three years from the date you were eligible to reinstate. If the mandatory insurance suspension involved an accident, proof of insurance must be in the form of an SR-22 filing.

What is SATOP?

If you’re convicted of a DWI in Missouri, you will most likely be referred to the Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP).

According to the Missouri Department of Mental Health, SATOP serves more than 30,000 DWI offenders annually who are referred as a result of an administrative suspension or revocation of their driver licenses, court order, condition of probation, or plea bargain. SATOP is, by law, a required element in driver license reinstatement by the Missouri Department of Revenue.

SATOP Enrollment Steps

The enrollment process begins with a screening to determine an appropriate level of programming. Midwest ADP offers all levels of SATOP programming: OEP, WIP, CIP, and SROP.

Here’s some more information on each of these programs:

SATOP Offender Education Program (OEP)

A ten-hour education course designed specifically to assist lower-risk, first-time offenders in understanding the choices they made that led to the intoxication and arrest.

SATOP Weekend Intervention Program (WIP)

A level of service designed for repeat offenders or “high risk,” first-time offenders using intensive education and counseling intervention methods over a marathon weekend of structured activities.

SATOP Clinical Intervention Program (CIP)

A 50-hour individualized intensive outpatient counseling program consisting of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education.

SATOP Serious & Repeat Offender Program (SROP)

An individualized outpatient treatment program consisting of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education, based on the needs of the client. The program consists of at least 75 hours of service over at least 90 days.

What is the difference between liability and full coverage?

coming soon

State minimum limits compared to higher limits liability?

coming soon

Can someone insure a vehicle that is not in their name?

coming soon

Do you still have questions about our services or insurance in general? Give us a call, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can

Phone: 816-676-2886
Fax: 816-364-3732

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

